Saturday, April 18, 2009


Our environment is often taken for granted. When the environment is polluted, our health is also affected. In order to maintain the clean environment, each and every one of us must play our part to preserve it. There are many simple things that all of us can do.

The first thing that we can do is to cut down on waste. Certain objects that we consider rubbish can actually be reused. For example, plastic bottles can be used to store drinking water. Likewise, jam jars make good storage containers for things like dried foodstuff, chilli paste and powdered stuff. Another way is to recycle. Instead of simply throwing trash into garbage bin, seperate the disposable items into plastic, glass, metal and paper products. Then bring these sorted items to a recycling centre or a collection [point. You can also use both sides of paper before sending it for recycling. Finally, always try to buy recycclable products instead of non-recyclable ones. In this way, we help to promote recycling.
Another way to protect the environment is to bring along our own bag when we go shopping. Put the purchased items into the shopping bag and refuse the shopkeeper's or sales assistant's offer of their plastic bags. In this way, we help to promote recycling.

Another way to protect the environment is to bring along our bag when we go shopping. put the purchased items into the shopping bag and refuse the shopkeeper's or sales assistant's offer of their plastic bag.

Water is a very precious natural resource as it is becoming more difficult to find truly clean water. Thus, we should not waste it. never let water run off taps unnecessarily. Instead of letting tap flow when brushing teeth, use a glass to gargle from. We can even help adults reduce the unnecessary wastage of water by asking them to wash their cars using pails of water instead of a hose.

My last point is on energy conservation. We can all do our part by ensuring that lights and fans are switched off when not in use. Here again, our parents can be advised ti install energy-saving bulbs that use less energy but give out the same amount of light.

Observing such simple habits and procedures will go a long way towards protecting our planet's natural resources and preserving our environment. As a result, we will lead happier and helthier lives.

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